The Hurun Report lends its support to China Travel Retail 2013

2013年4月19日, 伦敦/三亚。2013中国旅游零售大会(CTR2013), 专为中国机场业, 海港业, 航空业和邮轮业设计, 旨在为行业买卖双方服务的领先创新性平台, 其举办方今日宣布, 胡润百富, 领先的奢华品出版商及会议举办集团 (包括众多杂志读物和一支针对中国高收入人群而设计的活动策划团队), 将成为第二届中国旅游零售报告的战略媒体合作伙伴, 该大会将于2013年5月8日至9日于中国三亚希尔顿大酒店及水疗中心举行。

CHINA. The Hurun Report, the leading luxury publishing and events group, will be the strategic media partner in China for the second annual China Travel Retail event, which takes place at the Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa on 8-9 May, organisers have announced.

继2012年大会于上海的成功鼎力支持, 本次所有与会代表将收到最新的《胡润百富》杂志。同时, Sinclair Lu先生, 胡润百富总裁兼集团出版人主席及报告出版商, 将会与本次大会会议探讨”奢侈品领域”部分做精彩演讲, 他将公布关于中国超级富豪的消费习惯的最新研究报告, 同时也将公布品牌名单, 罗列目前中国一线二线城市中蓬勃发展的各大品牌。

As at the inaugural event in Shanghai last year, each delegate will receive a copy of the latest edition of The Hurun Report in their delegate pack and Sinclair Lu, President and Group Publisher of The Hurun Report will speak in the ‘Luxury’ segment of the conference. He will speak about the latest research into the shopping habits of the Chinese super-rich, including information on which brands are currently thriving in first and second-tier cities.

“继去年大会的成功举办, 我们很荣幸可以继续作为第二届中国旅游零售大会的中华区战略媒体合作伙伴, ” Rupert Hoogewerf, 胡润百富董事长兼首席调研员表示。 “在过去的一年, 中国旅游零售市场已经取得显著发展, 并日渐成熟。 虽然对奢侈品的需求仍然很高, 但富裕的中国消费者已经变得越来越复杂, 并提高了对这些品牌的产品意识。 这在很大程度上是由于中国游客人数的逐年增加, 以及海南日渐成为一个免税购物天堂的缘故。 我们期待着在中国旅游零售大会中与品牌商和零售商一同探讨需面临的挑战。”

“After the success of last year’s event we are delighted to be the strategic media partner in China at the China Travel Retail event for the second year,” said The Hurun Report Chairman and Chief Researcher Rupert Hoogewerf.

“In the last year, the Chinese market has seen phenomenal growth, as it not only evolves but matures. While the demand for luxury branded goods has remained high, wealthy Chinese consumers have become increasingly sophisticated and aware of the products that are available to them. Much of this is due to the increased numbers of Chinese travellers, and with the growth in popularity of Hainan as a duty free shopping haven. We are looking forward to exploring all of this and the related challenges that brands and retailers face in China at CTR.”

中国旅游零售大会受到来自中国机场公司和零售运营商的异常欢迎。去年大会的参会代表有超过70%来自中国境内, 他们共同探讨行业内各中心课题。同时, 本大会也热烈欢迎国际品牌商的积极参与。

The conference last year had a strong attendance from PRC airports and retailers, with over 70% of delegates at last year’s event attending from Mainland China, while international brands are also welcome to attend.

“我们极其荣幸胡润百富能够连续第二年支持中国旅游零售大会。胡润百富就是中国奢侈品零售市场的代名词, ” Alex Vail, 2013中国旅游零售大会活动总监表示。 “了解中国消费者以及他们对奢侈品的需求, 是品牌商和零售商能够取得境内外中国旅客青睐和成功的关键。 我们期待着像去年一样从胡润百富报告中了解学习到更多讯息, 并有信心, 我们与胡润百富的合作关系可以持续更多年。”

“We are delighted that The Hurun Report, which is synonymous with the Chinese luxury retail market, is supporting China Travel Retail for the second year,” said Alex Vail, Event Director for CTR13. “Understanding the Chinese consumer and their demand for luxury branded goods is absolutely key to the success of many brands and retailers looking to target Chinese travellers both inside and outside of China. We are looking forward to learning more from The Hurun Report and following on from the last year’s event, we are confident that the successful relationship with The Hurun Report will continue for many more years.”

继2012年第一届大会大成功举行, 今年的本届大会将于三亚度假村希尔顿酒店和水疗中心举行, 届时中国旅游零售市场最有影响力的决策者、领先的机场公司、免税运营商、航空公司代表和众多世界著名品牌商将齐聚于此。

Following the success of the first CTR in Shanghai in 2012, this year’s event at the Hilton Sanya Resort and Spa, will play host to some of the most influential decision makers in the Chinese travel retail market, representing leading airports, duty free operators, airlines and world famous brands.

继2012年第一届大会大成功举行, 今年的本届大会将于三亚度假村希尔顿酒店和水疗中心举行, 届时中国旅游零售市场最有影响力的决策者、领先的机场公司、免税运营商、航空公司代表和众多世界著名品牌商将齐聚于此。

The two-day conference agenda, featuring a strong speaker line up (click on the website below for the latest details), will focus on opportunities within different travel retail channels and will highlight issues affecting retailers in the region, including tourism trends, luxury shopping, and how to create better retail environments.

除会议之外, 2013中国旅游零售大会将举行业界流行的一对一个企业会议洽谈、多小时的联谊交际活动和两个迎宾酒会, 所有与会代表、赞助商和演讲嘉宾可以在五星级海滨度假胜地的优先环境下, 尽情畅所欲言, 沟通交流。

In addition to the conference, CTR2013 will feature One-to-One structured meetings, several hours of networking events and two drinks receptions, where delegates, sponsors and speakers can meet at the five-star beach resort.


For further details about the agenda and event, please go to or contact

获得关于中国旅游零售市场的最新研究成果,请登录 ,以及中文链接

To get Ink’s latest insights into the Chinese travel retail market go to

*NOTE: All the key stories on China’s travel retail industry – and on international travel retailers selling to Chinese travellers – are covered in The Moodie Report China, published in bi-lingual, e-Zine format every two months. To receive your free subscription, please e-mail


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